Natasha´s Oddparents
As we are not religious, Natasha's is not baptised. We do, however, think that the traditional role of a Godparent has merit much beyond its religious aspects, so rather than Godparents, Natasha has Oddparents. We see Oddparents as:
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Having connections to, and having lived for lengthy periods of time in, several different countries, we do not feel that we have one home country: one to which we would always return, one where our roots are. Rather, there are several countries which we call home, and in which we will no doubt be spending time during Natasha´s childhood: Australia, Denmark, England and Scotland. Natasha has Oddparents from each of these four countries.
One of Natasha's odd parents enjoys holidaying in Libya and Kazakhstan. Two have creative streaks. One delights in the value of scientific reasoning and statistics. One makes fatally good cakes. One is quietly thoughtful and thoroughly knowledgable. One is not afraid to put ice cubes in red wine should it be served at too high a temperature. One has a career spanning from marketing to MSF. Several have the ability to laugh in face of grimness and hard times. Three have felt at home in more than one country.
We hope that his Oddparents will make Natasha feel that she has several homes in the world, and that she will never be left without somewhere to turn for advice, or a friendly ear, or someone to buy her a beer (in a few years time!).