Lotte Fog, Raelene Nelligan, Wendy Tuckwell join the LFHCfS
The Luxuriant Flowing Hair Club for Scientists (LFHCfS) is a club for scientists who have luxuriant flowing hair. Lotte Fog, Wendy Tuckwell and Raelene Nelligan have for a while felt that there was not enough silliness in their scientific careers and set out to remedy this problem. They chose to start by applying for membership of LFHCfS. For acceptance into the LFHCfS, one must prove one's scientific credentials by providing a URL and one's luxuriantly flowing hair credentials by submitting photographic evidence. Below is a selection of photos proving that, although we cannot beat Einstein's intellect, we are able to challenge him folically.
As a genuine medical physicist one must long nights of studying bear and on knowledge of radiation physics insist; and for protocols ardently care to be willing to calibrate linacs: persist late ’nto nights which once used to be spare time; to neither black coffee nor mud cake desist and a grubby white lab coat to wear But to aim for true excellence, foll’wing the gist of great Einstein, of Newton, Pinker [here: pronounced "pink-hair"] the one passion which physicists must not resist is luxuriantly flowing hair! An osmosis of beauty and brains - oh beware world - of scientists with flowing hair! | |
The three new members in the Adelaide Botanical Gardens | |
... and forming the letter pi with their bodies |